ECLAT est un laboratoire commun du CNRS en partenariat avec Inria, Eviden, Observatoire de la Côte d’Azur et Observatoire de Paris.

Construit comme un véritable centre d’excellence sur les technologies et techniques du calcul haute performance et de l’intelligence artificielle au service de l’instrumentation astronomique, ECLAT fédère les forces des 14 laboratoires et équipes associés autour d’une feuille de route commune. Celle-ci vise à faciliter les partenariats de R&D nécessaires à la conception et la réalisation des futurs systèmes cyber-physiques pour l’astronomie, capables d’ingérer, traiter et réduire de très grands volumes de données.

Plus d’information sur le site d’ECLAT


Logo QirinusQirinus edits a software platform to bring an automatic solution to deploy a Cloudplatform with high-security support.

Qirinus brings a new preventive and overall solution to cyber security. Qirinus proposes to solve both digital transformation and security management issues at the same time. The software solution covers both the security of business applications, the complexity of the transition to the Cloud, and the compliance with IT security standards (NIST, PCI, ISO, …). The Qirinus Technology is the result of the scientific works from the Avalon Inria / ENS Lyon and a three-years collaboration with industry leaders (Alcatel Lucent / Nokia, Gemalto, Ikusi …).

The main goals of Qirinus are to

  • Reduce your risks and costs: With automation, minimize vulnerabilities and threats, and get 0% human errors. Remediation costs are limited and you keep control of your security.
  • Optimize your time and resources: With our evolutive management platform, accelerate your IT architecture deployment, and simplify your audits with a full visibility of your systems.

More information:

Two members of the AVALON team are Qirinus’s founding associates.

AiBle: Exoskeleton robot, AI and Cloud Computing

AiBle is a 3-year UK/France cross-border EU Interreg project to improve the recovery experience of stroke patients with better treatment effects and efficiency by developing an upper-limb rehabilitation exoskeleton robot based on AI and cloud computing.

This project aims to develop a new generation of exoskeleton robot that will benefit stroke patients by providing advanced functionality that will enable remote but active rehabilitation. This will be achieved by the integration of artificial intelligence, virtual reality and cloud computing.

Robotic Skelton

Avalon is involved in this project through the Phd of Lucien Arnaud Ndjie Ngale (CRISPI / UPJV / Avalon) under the supervision of Yulin Zhang (CRISPI / UPJV) and Eddy Caron (Avalon / ENS de Lyon). This Phd focus on the tasks management and Cloud optimization dedicated to the exoskeleton.

SKA Telescope

The Square Kilometre Array (SKA) project is an international effort to build the world’s largest radio telescope, with eventually over a square kilometre (one million square metres) of collecting area. The scale of the SKA represents a huge leap forward in both engineering and research & development towards building and delivering a unique instrument, with all final reviews completed ahead of construction. The SKA Observatory is the second intergovernmental organisation dedicated to astronomy in the world, a er the European Southern Observatory. It brings together a wealth of the world’s finest scientists, engineers and policy makers to bring the project to fruition.

SKA-France is a national coordination of industrial, technical and scientific activities preparatory to the SKA project in France. It created a consortium named “Maison SKA-France” to finance France’s membership in the Project Office, to define the French scientific and technological roadmap for the
SKA, and to pursue the development of joint research projects between public and private partners targeting SKA major challenges. Inria as a member of “Maison SKA France” brings its expertise in some challenging aspects of the project such as in high performance computing, big data, resource management, I/O, and IA. Avalon coordinates this effort.



BioSyL is a Federative Research Structure attached to University of Lyon. It gathers about 50 local research teams working on systems biology in its most varied aspects. Its objectives are to federate these teams, to make them visible and to promote research done inside the Federal University of Lyon in systems biology, as well as local skills in this field.

BioSyL is a Federative Research Structure attached to University of Lyon. It gathers about 50 local research teams working on systems biology in its most varied aspects. Its objectives are to federate these teams, to make them visible and to promote research done inside the Federal University of Lyon in systems biology, as well as local skills in this field.

Participants are all research teams from the relevant disciplines (mathematics, physics, computer science, biology, chemistry, human and social sciences, medicine) using a “Systems Biology” approach, under the auspices of University of Lyon.

The objectives of BioSyl are

  • To provide a forum where Biology and Health projects in Lyon can participate fully in the challenges of the 21st century.
  • To offer access to this essential approach to all the Biology specialists in Lyon (health professionals, industrial and academic scientists).
  • To highlight, on a national and an international level, the Systems Biology activities taking place at University of Lyon.
  • To position the University of Lyon among the ten major Systems Biology groups within the next decade.

More information at BioSyl website.


NewGeneration-SR (NewGen) develops Nuvea, a software solution to manage datacenters while optimizing energy costs.

NewGeneration-SR is a company that proposes Green IT solutions for cloud platforms. The company holds two products:

  • Nuvea: A smart cloud solution to identify inefficiencies in Cloud management and optimize energy consumption.
  • DotRiver: A virtual desktop environment

NewGeneration-SR and Avalon collaborates on the design and development of the Nuvea solution.

More information on Newgeneration-SR website: (


SysFera develops SysFera-DS (based on DIET middleware), a software solution for managing and optimizing heterogeneous and distributed HPC infrastructures.

SysFera – located in Lyon, France – is a company that develops SysFera-DS, a software solution for managing and optimizing heterogeneous and distributed HPC infrastructures. SysFera provides tools, support and maintenance for this solution. It also proposes consulting and training courses for its customers. The aim of the company is to address the following problems:

  • optimizing the usage of large sets of computing resource (workstations, clusters, Grids, or Cloud-computing infrastructures).
  • providing a transparent access to resources and applications.
  • strategic applications which do not take advantage of these computing resources, or which have to manage large amounts of data for example.

Two members of the AVALON team was SysFera’s founding associates.

SysFera is now finished since 2015.