BioSyL is a Federative Research Structure attached to University of Lyon. It gathers about 50 local research teams working on systems biology in its most varied aspects. Its objectives are to federate these teams, to make them visible and to promote research done inside the Federal University of Lyon in systems biology, as well as local skills in this field.
BioSyL is a Federative Research Structure attached to University of Lyon. It gathers about 50 local research teams working on systems biology in its most varied aspects. Its objectives are to federate these teams, to make them visible and to promote research done inside the Federal University of Lyon in systems biology, as well as local skills in this field.

Participants are all research teams from the relevant disciplines (mathematics, physics, computer science, biology, chemistry, human and social sciences, medicine) using a “Systems Biology” approach, under the auspices of University of Lyon.
The objectives of BioSyl are
- To provide a forum where Biology and Health projects in Lyon can participate fully in the challenges of the 21st century.
- To offer access to this essential approach to all the Biology specialists in Lyon (health professionals, industrial and academic scientists).
- To highlight, on a national and an international level, the Systems Biology activities taking place at University of Lyon.
- To position the University of Lyon among the ten major Systems Biology groups within the next decade.
More information at BioSyl website.