Nous accueillerons Mercredi 8 novembre 2017 un groupe de professeurs de SCSC (Shandong National Supercomputer Center). Une presentation de leurs travaux est prévue à 14h en salle du conseil du LIP.
A component-based model for the deployment of Cloud applications
We will have the pleasure to listen Dimitri Pertin (post-doc @ Ascola team, Nantes) on Tuesday 24th October, at Amphi J, 14h-15h, talking about:
“A component-based model for the deployment of Cloud applications”
GrPPI: A Generic Parallel Pattern Interface for Stream and Data Processing
Next Avalon working group will be tomorrow (3/10/2016) at 15h in amphi L. Dr. Manuel F. Dolz, currently visiting us from Madrid, will be talking about his work.
GrPPI: A Generic Parallel Pattern Interface for Stream and Data Processing
Current parallel programming frameworks aid developers to a great extent in implementing applications that exploit parallel hardware resources. Nevertheless, developers require additional expertise to properly use and tune them to operate efficiently on specific parallel platforms. With the lack of high-level parallel pattern abstractions, we present GrPPI, a generic and reusable parallel pattern interface for both stream processing and data-intensive C++ applications ( GrPPI accommodates a layer between developers and existing parallel programming frameworks targeting multi-core processors, such as C++ threads, OpenMP and Intel TBB. To achieve this goal, this interface leverages modern C++ features, metaprogramming techniques, and template-based programming to act as switch among those frameworks. All in all, thanks to its high-level API and compact design, GrPPI allows users to easily expose parallelism and hide away the complexity behind concurrency mechanisms. We evaluate this interface using an image processing use case and demonstrate its benefits from the usability, flexibility, and performance points of view.
Efficient Heuristics for the Placement of Large Scale Distributed Applications on Multiple Clouds
The Avalon working group will host a presentation by Pedro Silva on tuesday 4th of april, at 15h00 in amphi J. You are all welcome. Continue reading
Energy Efficient Traffic Engineering in Software Defined Backbone Networks
The Avalon working group will host a presentation by Radu Carpa on tuesday 21th of march, at 14h00 in amphi J. You are all welcome. Continue reading
Combining Software Components and Task Graphs for Many-Cores Platforms: Application to the GYSELA code
The Avalon working group will host a presentation by Jerome Richard on tuesday 14th of march, at 14h00 in amphi J. You are all welcome. Continue reading
Une approche par composants pour la visualisation scientifique interactive (Abderrahim Aitwakrime)
The Avalon working group will host a presentation by Abderrahim
Aitwakrime on friday 3rd of march, at 10h30 in amphi J. You are all welcome. Continue reading
Study about parallel programming models design (Farouk Mansouri)
The Avalon working group will host a presentation by Farouk Mansouri on thursday 2nd of march, at 10h30 in amphi J. You are all welcome.
Études de Faisabilité des Infrastructures de Cloud Massivement Distribuées (Anthony Simonet)
The Avalon working group will host a presentation by Anthony Simonet on tuesday 28th of february, at 10h30 in amphi J. You are all welcome.
Working Group :, Blockchain-based decentralized Cloud computing platform (by Gilles Fedak) Blockchain-based decentralized Cloud computing platform.
date and location : Tuesday 7th February 2017 : Amphi L @ 2PM