The Avalon working group will host a presentation by Radu Carpa on tuesday 21th of march, at 14h00 in amphi J. You are all welcome. Continue reading
Combining Software Components and Task Graphs for Many-Cores Platforms: Application to the GYSELA code
The Avalon working group will host a presentation by Jerome Richard on tuesday 14th of march, at 14h00 in amphi J. You are all welcome. Continue reading
Séminaire Avalon Blanc (SAB) – 2nd Edition
Infos pratiques
Organisateurs: Eddy Caron, Pedro Silva et Christian Perez.
Quand ?:
Où ?: Au Pleynet les 7 Laux (à confirmer).
Saisissez vos disponibilités sur le Doodle suivant ASAP !
>>>> <<<<
Souvenez-vous le SAB 1ère édition…
Une approche par composants pour la visualisation scientifique interactive (Abderrahim Aitwakrime)
The Avalon working group will host a presentation by Abderrahim
Aitwakrime on friday 3rd of march, at 10h30 in amphi J. You are all welcome. Continue reading
Study about parallel programming models design (Farouk Mansouri)
The Avalon working group will host a presentation by Farouk Mansouri on thursday 2nd of march, at 10h30 in amphi J. You are all welcome.
Études de Faisabilité des Infrastructures de Cloud Massivement Distribuées (Anthony Simonet)
The Avalon working group will host a presentation by Anthony Simonet on tuesday 28th of february, at 10h30 in amphi J. You are all welcome.
Presentation by Arnaud Lefray in the Séminaire des Doctorants du LIP
Working Group :, Blockchain-based decentralized Cloud computing platform (by Gilles Fedak) Blockchain-based decentralized Cloud computing platform.
date and location : Tuesday 7th February 2017 : Amphi L @ 2PM
Inauguration de la Fédération
[In French]
Inauguration de la Fédération
Lieu: Grand Amphithéâtre de l’Université de Lyon. 90 rue Pasteur, Lyon 7ème
Retrouvez Avalon à l’inauguration de la Fédération Informatique de Lyon (FIL) qui aura lieu le mardi 24 janvier 2017 de 17h à 19h.
Durant l’inauguration, clin d’oeil à de nombreux projets dans lesquels Avalon s’implique: MILyon, Grid’5000,, Qirinus, MMI, …