Cybersecurity – The Inria White Book

Cybersecurity – The Inria White Book


Scientific reviews and challenges in cybersecurity

Inria publishes the Cybersecurity White Book. Avalon security activities are briefly discribed (page 127).

Digital transformation opens up a wealth of opportunities, but it also leaves our IT systems and personal data increasingly exposed to attacks. Whether it’s governments or major operators, the risks are substantial from both a human and an economic point of view. With this in mind, Inria has unveiled a new white paper on the subject of cybersecurity, the goal being to take stock of the major scientific challenges and raise awareness of the importance of the issue.

Download the white book at the official web page:

Loi de la programmation de la recherche & SimGrid

Loi de la programmation de la recherche & SimGrid

Le premier ministre Édouard Philippe a annoncé le 1er février 2019, le lancement d’une loi de programmation pluriannuelle pour la recherche à l’occasion des 80 ans du CNRS à la Maison de la Mutualité, à Paris.

À noter que SimGrid est cité comme l’un des 10 succès de la recherche française en 2018 dans le dossier presse de la loi de programmation de la recherche. Frédéric Suter (Avalon, IN2P3 CNRS) est l’un des 3 principaux développeurs avec Martin Quinson (Inria Myriads, ENS Rennes) et Arnaud Legrand (CNRS/Inria Polaris/Université de Grenoble) de SimGrid qui est un framework pour la simulation de grands systèmes distribués. Retrouvez Simgrid ici

Lire le dossier de Presse:







Avalon au Festival TRANSFO 2019

Plongez dans l'univers du numériquePlongez dans l’univers du Numérique.

À l’occasion du Festival TRANSFO du  24 au 31 janvier à Grenoble, Inria a organisé l’évènement “Plongez dans l’univers du numérique“. Avalon a participé à cet évènement.

Atelier 2 : À la découverte du numérique caché

15h30 – 16h30 – A103 et LOGIN
Dans un espace de découvertes, de nombreux scientifiques et startupeurs ont illustré par des présentation, démonstrations ou films la face cachée du numérique , c’est-à-dire le numérique que l’on présente rarement au grand public. Eddy Caron (Avalon, ENS de Lyon) a présenté les travaux sur l’automatisation de déploiements sécurisés dans les environnements Cloud.

Atelier 3 : Et si on parlait Ethique et Numérique ?

16h30 – 17h30 – Grand Amphi et F107
Deux ateliers/débats permettront d’aller plus loin dans les discussions liées à l’éthique et au numérique. Laurent Lefevre (Avalon, Inria) était l’un des prestigieux panélistes.

Laurent Lefevre (Avalon) panéliste au Festival TRANSFO 2019

Thesis Defense – Hadrien Croubois

Hadrien Croubois: Toward an autonomic engine for scientific workflows and elastic Cloud infrastructure

Everyone is welcome to attend Hadrien Croubois’s thesis defense, which will take place Tuesday 16th October at 14h at Salle des thèse (ENS de Lyon).

You are also invited to the cocktail that follows the defense.


Eddy Caron, ENS de Lyon

Committee members:

Noël De Palma, Université Jospeh Fourier, reviewer
Johan Montagnat, CNRS, Laboratoire I3S UMR 7271, reviewer
Luciana Arantes, Université Sorbonne, examiner
Frédéric Desprez, Inria, examiner
Pushpinder Kaur Chouhan,Ulster University, examiner


The constant development of scientific and industrial computation infrastructures requires the concurrent development of scheduling and deployment mechanisms to manage such infrastructures. Throughout the last decade, the emergence of the Cloud paradigm raised many hopes, but achieving full platform autonomicity is still an ongoing challenge.

Work undertaken during this Ph.D. aimed at building a workflow engine that integrated the logic needed to manage workflow execution and Cloud deployment on its own. More precisely, we focus on Cloud solutions with a dedicated Data as a Service (DaaS) data management component. Our objective was to automate the execution of workflows submitted by many users on elastic Cloud resources.

This contribution proposes a modular middleware infrastructure and details the implementation of the underlying modules:

  • A workflow clustering algorithm that optimises data locality in the context of DaaS-centered communications;
  • A dynamic scheduler that executes clustered workflows on Cloud resources;
  • A deployment manager that handles the allocation and deallocation of Cloud resources according to the workload characteristics and users’ requirements.

All these modules have been implemented in a simulator to analyse their behaviour and measure their effectiveness when running both synthetic and real scientific workflows. We also implemented these modules in the DIET middleware to give it new features and prove the versatility of this approach. Simulation running the WASABI workflow (waves analysis based inference, a framework for the reconstruction of gene regulatory networks) showed that our approach can decrease the deployment cost by up to 44% while meeting the required deadlines.

Phd Crossover

Phd Crossover

LIP & LBMC – Avalon & Gandrillon – Hadrien & Arnaud –

En octobre vous pouvez découvrir le crossover entre la thèse d’Hadrien Croubois (Avalon) du laboratoire de l’Informatique du Parallélisme (LIP) de l’ENS  et d’Arnaud Bonnafoux (Gandrillon) du Laboratoire de Biologie Moléculaire de la Cellule (LBMC) de l’ENS.


Commencez par découvrir le vendredi 12 octobre 2018, à 14h à l’ENS de Lyon site Monod (salle de réunion M6) comment Arnaud Bonnafoux a conçu WASABI. (Plus d’information ici)

au LIP

Puis venez découvrir le mardi 16 octobre 2018, à 14h à l’ENS de Lyon site Monod (salle des thèses) comment le moteur de workflow d’Hadrien Croubois est profitable aux besoins en calcul de WASABI. (Plus d’information ici)

DIET goes fishing at Rutgers University

The Workflow DIET engine plays with the Fishes Detection Application

In the context of SUSTAM (Associated joint team between Avalon and RDI2 Lab. in Rutgers University). Daniel Balouek-Thomert  (RDI2), Eddy Caron (Avalon), Hadrien Croubois (Avalon) and Alireza Zamani (RDI2), worked on deployment of an application from the Ocean Observatories Initiative (OOI) project on Grid’5000 using the DIET Middleware

Moreover, on Friday december 1st, Eddy and Hadrien give a talk about DIET and elastic workflow.

Abstract: Cloud platforms have emerged as a leading solution for accessing computational resources for everybody. However, high performance scientific computing is still among the few domains where Cloud still raises more questions than it solves. While it is today possible to use existing approaches to deploy scientific workflows on virtualized platforms, these approaches do not benefit of many new features offered by Cloud providers. Among these features is the possibility of having an elastic platform that reacts to the need of the users, therefore offering an improved Quality of Service (QoS) while reducing the deployment cost. In this talk, we will present the DIET toolbox, a middleware designed for high-performance computing in a heterogeneous and distributed environment and our recent work on elastic workflows.


Associated joint team between Avalon and RDI2 Lab. in Rutgers University

  Associated joint team between Avalon and RDI2 Lab. in Rutgers University on   Sustainable Ultra Scale compuTing, dAta and energy Management

The collaboration proposed by the SUSTAM associate team focuses on aspects of sustainability in ultra-scale systems. Launched in 2017, the SUSTAM associated team aims to design a multi-criteria orchestration framework that manages resources, data and energy consumption in an efficient manner. The SUSTAM associate team will enable a long-term collaboration between the Inria Avalon and the RDI² team (Rutgers University . It will allow the teams to coordinate efforts and pursue common research activities in topics such as sustainable software solutions, resource and big-data management, elasticity of stream and batch applications, and energy efficiency. The involved members will contribute to the design of a common architecture and framework with components and algorithms adapted to various contexts.

Web Site:

Avalon at SC’17

Avalon on the front of the SC’17 logo

From November 12th to 17th, five Avalon’s member at SuperComputing’17 (Christian, Eddy, Hadrien, Issam and Laurent) on the Inria booth (#2043). For the past 23 years, Inria participated every year to the SuperComputing conference held this year in Denver, CO in November. Very active in the domains of High Performance Computing, BigData, Simulations and Networking, Inria will show on its booth the last scientific results of its teams and partners.


Inria introduces 6 projects, among them two are provided by Avalon:

  • DIET, developed by the Avalon Inria project team: “A middleware for HPC and Cloud resources management  allowing you to build your own PaaS “
  • GreenFactory, also developed by the Avalon Inria project team: ” Reduce energy consumption of large scale systems with realistic multi-level shutdown policies “ .


  • Monday at 3pm40, the work “Budget-aware scheduling algorithms for scientific workflows on IaaS Cloud platforms ” by Yves Caniou, Eddy Caron, Aurélie Kong Win Chang and Yves Robert is shown during the WORKS Workshop.
  • Thursday at 12pm. Issam gives a talk “Large scale shutdown policies for HPC systems : the ELCI solution ” on the PRACE booth (#2171).


Issam and Laurent give a talk on the Prace booth.



Hadrien is an iexec ambassador during this week.

Energy Efficient Traffic Engineering in Software Defined Networks [Radu Carpa. Thèse]

Soutenance de Thèse de Radu Carpa

Jeudi 26 Octobre. Amphi B. 14h00


Ce travail a pour but d’améliorer l’efficacité énergétique des réseaux en éteignant un sous-ensemble de liens par une approche SDN. Nous nous différencions des nombreux travaux de ce domaine par une réactivité accrue aux variations des conditions réseaux. Cela a été rendu possible grâce à une complexité calculatoire réduite et une attention particulière au surcoût induit par les échanges de données.
L’architecture logicielle “SegmenT Routing based Energy Efficient Traffic Engineering” (STREETE) que nous proposons repose sur un re-routage dynamique du trafic en fonction de la charge du réseau. Grace à des méthodes d’équilibrage de charge, nous obtenons un placement presque optimal des flux dans le réseau.
STREETE a été validé sur une vraie plateforme SDN. Cela nous a permis de donner des indications sur des améliorations à prendre en compte afin d’éviter des instabilités causées par des basculements incontrôlés des flux réseau entre des chemins alternatifs.

Membres du Jury

  • Andrzej DUDA, Professeur – Grenoble INP-Ensimag (Examinateur)
  • Frédéric GIROIRE, Chargé de Recherches – CNRS Sophia Antipolis (Examinateur)
  • Brigitte JAUMARD, Professeure – Concordia University, Canada (Rapporteure)
  • Béatrice PAILLASSA, Professeure – Institut national polytechnique de Toulouse (Rapporteure)
  • Laurent LEFEVRE, Chargé de Recherches – Inria ENS Lyon (Directeur)
  • Olivier GLUCK, Maître de Conférences – UCBL Lyon1 (Co-encadrant)