Associated joint team between Avalon and RDI2 Lab. in Rutgers University

  Associated joint team between Avalon and RDI2 Lab. in Rutgers University on   Sustainable Ultra Scale compuTing, dAta and energy Management

The collaboration proposed by the SUSTAM associate team focuses on aspects of sustainability in ultra-scale systems. Launched in 2017, the SUSTAM associated team aims to design a multi-criteria orchestration framework that manages resources, data and energy consumption in an efficient manner. The SUSTAM associate team will enable a long-term collaboration between the Inria Avalon and the RDI² team (Rutgers University . It will allow the teams to coordinate efforts and pursue common research activities in topics such as sustainable software solutions, resource and big-data management, elasticity of stream and batch applications, and energy efficiency. The involved members will contribute to the design of a common architecture and framework with components and algorithms adapted to various contexts.

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