The Workflow DIET engine plays with the Fishes Detection Application
In the context of SUSTAM (Associated joint team between Avalon and RDI2 Lab. in Rutgers University). Daniel Balouek-Thomert (RDI2), Eddy Caron (Avalon), Hadrien Croubois (Avalon) and Alireza Zamani (RDI2), worked on deployment of an application from the Ocean Observatories Initiative (OOI) project on Grid’5000 using the DIET Middleware.
Moreover, on Friday december 1st, Eddy and Hadrien give a talk about DIET and elastic workflow.
Abstract: Cloud platforms have emerged as a leading solution for accessing computational resources for everybody. However, high performance scientific computing is still among the few domains where Cloud still raises more questions than it solves. While it is today possible to use existing approaches to deploy scientific workflows on virtualized platforms, these approaches do not benefit of many new features offered by Cloud providers. Among these features is the possibility of having an elastic platform that reacts to the need of the users, therefore offering an improved Quality of Service (QoS) while reducing the deployment cost. In this talk, we will present the DIET toolbox, a middleware designed for high-performance computing in a heterogeneous and distributed environment and our recent work on elastic workflows.