Phd Students

Maxime Agusti
Phd under the advisorship of Eddy Caron, Laurent Lefevre and Anne-Cécile Orgerie (IRISA)

Thesis on baremetal co-location platforms, energy reduction models and catalog proposals

Emile Egreteau-Druet
Phd Student under the advisorship of Laurent Lefevre, Nathalie Mitton (Inria Lille) and Doreid Ammar
Phd on Analyzing full life cycle of IoT based 5G solutions for smart agriculture
Simon Lambert
Phd under the advisorship of Eddy Caron, Remi Grivel (Synaaps) and Laurent Lefevre

Thesis on Prediction and dynamic provisioning of resources on a virtualization infrastructure

Thomas Stavis
Phd Student under the advisorship of  Laurent Lefevre and Anne-Cécile Orgerie (IRISA)
Thesis on Replay of environmental leverages in cloud infrastructures and continuums
Gabriel Suau
Phd under the advisorship of Thierry Gautier, Ansar Calloo (CEA), Romain Le Tellier (CEA) and Remi Le Baron (CEA)
Phd on Résolution de l'équation de transport des neutrons sur des architectures massivement parallèles et hétérogènes : application aux géométries hexagonales.