Former members

Farah Ait Salaht
Thierry Arrabal
Research Engineer

Working on Immersion Cooling and Fog infrastructure

Daniel Balouek-Thomert
PhD under the advisorship of Eddy Caron, Laurent Lefèvre and Gilles Cieza
Now: Postdoc @ Rutgers University (NJ, USA)
Adrien Berthelot
PhD Student under the advisorship of Eddy Caron, Christian Fauré (Octo Technology) and Laurent Lefevre

Thesis on Accelerated and assisted assessment of the environmental impacts of an IT system and digital services

Lucas Betencourt
Research Engineer

Working on Immersion Cooling in collaboration with TotaLinux

Stella Bitchebe
PhD Student under the supervision of Alain Tchana

Thesis on Hardware Enhancement for Virtualization

Julien Bigot
Post-doctoral reasearcher
Now: CEA Researcher - Engineer @ Maison de la Simulation
Evelyne Blesle
Administrative Assistant
Dorra Boughzala
PhD Student under the advisorship of Laurent Lefevre and Anne-Cécile Orgerie (MYRIADS - Rennes)

Thesis on the simulation of energy consumption of heterogeneous architectures for large-scale computing .

Yasmina Bouizem
Post-doctoral Researcher

Working on measuring and modeling the energy consumption of deployment and reconfiguration procedures at OVH

Mathilde Boutigny
Inria Research Engineer
Ghoshana Bista
PhD Student under the advisorship of Eddy Caron and Anne-Lucie Vion (Orange)

Thesis on Software Asset Management for Virtual Network Function

Radu Carpa
PhD Student under the advisorship of Laurent Lefevre and Olivier Gluck
Thesis on energy efficiency of data exchanges in large scale distributed systems.
Julien Carpentier
INRIA - Expert Engineer
Julio Cesar Santos dos Anjos
PhD student under the guidance of Gilles Fedak.
Maverick Chardet
Phd student under the guidance of Christian Perez
Abderhaman Cheniour
CNRS Expert Engineer for the e-Biothon project
Arthur Chevalier
PhD Student under the advisorship of Eddy Caron, Noëlle Baillon and Anne-Lucie Vion

First he was PhD Student under the advisorship of Eddy Caron, Noëlle Baillon and Anne-Lucie Vion.

Second Arthur was a valuation engineer on Qirinus project. An Avalon's start'up.

Florent Chuffart
Hélène Coullon
Post-doctoral reasearcher
Assistant professorat Ecole des Mines de Nantes, with Inria chair
Hadrien Croubois
PhD Student under the advisorship of Eddy Caron

Specialized in parallel processing, distributed systems, and workflow distribution.

Idriss Daoudi
PhD Student under the advisorship of Thierry Gautier and Olivier Aumage

Thesis on Performance modeling and simulation of OpenMP applications

Jad Darrous
PhD Student under the advisorship of Shadi Ibrahim and Christian Perez

Thesis on Data Management in Geo-distributed Cloud and Fog environments.

Frédéric Desprez
INRIA Senior Researcher
Mohammed El Mehdi Diouri
PhD student under the guidance of Laurent Lefèvre, Olivier Glück and Isabelle Guérin-Lassous
Marcos Dias de Assuncao
Temporary Researcher

A M.Sc by the Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil, a PhD at the University of Melbourne, Australia, and a postdoc at Inria, ENS de Lyon, France. Prior to joining AVALON, Marcos was a research scientist at IBM Research.

Maurice Djibril Faye
PhD student under the guidance of Eddy Caron and Ousmane Thiaré
Gilles Fedak
INRIA Researcher
Research interests: Data Management, Block Chain
Sylvain Gault
PhD student under the guidance of Frédéric Desprez
Jean-Patrick Gelas

Research interests: Energy aware system in the Grid/Cloud Computing context, Delay Tolerant Networking (DTN), Embedded Linux system, Logistical Networks.

Hugo Hadjur
PhD Student under the advisorship of Laurent Lefevre and Doreid Ammar (aivancity school)
Phd on "Designing and modeling sustainable, autonomous, smart, and energy efficient Internet of Things systems, applied to precision beekeeping", co directed with Doreid Ammar (Aivancity group) (2020-2023)
Haiwu He
Zhengxiong Hou
Post-doctoral Researcher
Zeina Houmani
PhD Student under the advisorship of Daniel Balouek-Thomert (Rutgers University, NJ) and Eddy Caron

Thesis on Data-driven microservices architecture for Deep Learning applications

Mathilde Jay
Phd under the advisorship of Laurent Lefevre and Denis Trystram (LIG/UGA)

Thesis on low-cost learning algorithm at the edge

Cristian Klein
PhD student under the guidance of Christian Perez
Mohamed Karaoui
Jerry Lacmou Zeutouo

Parallelism, HPC
Ghislain Landry Tsafack Chetsa
Teaching assistant (Lyon1)
Vincent Lanore
PhD student

PhD thesis from 2012 to 2016 with Christian Pérez

Arnaud Lefray
Consultant devops pour devoteam
Valentin Lorentz
PhD Student under the advisorship of Laurent Lefèvre and Gilles Fedak
David Loup
System and Network Engineer
Semen Marchuk
PhD student under the advisorship of Eddy Caron
Georges Markomanolis
PhD student under the guidance of Frédéric Desprez and Frédéric Suter
Etienne Mauffret
Research and teaching assistant

Distributed Systems, Data Management and Distributed Algorithms

Maxime Morel
INRIA R&D engineer
Adrian Muresan
PhD student under the guidance of Eddy Caron and Frédéric Desprez
Lucien Ndjie Ngale
Post-doctoral Researcher

Thesis on Modeling and design of a framework and its environmental Gantt Chart in order to manage heterogeneous energy leverages. Post-doctoral researcher in the SkyData project.

Kevin Nguetchouang Ngongang
PhD Student under the advisorship of Alain Tchana and Pierre Olivier

Thesis on: Improving scalability performance for disk virtualization

Vladimir Ostapenco
Phd under the advisorship of Laurent Lefevre and Anne-Cécile Orgerie (IRISA)

Thesis on Modeling and design of a framework and its environmental Gantt Chart in order to manage heterogeneous energy leverages

Mahendra Paipuri
Research Engineer

Working on benchmarking of imaging pipelines for SKA project.

Thomas Pellisier-Tanon
Researcher Innovation
Wikidata and NPL expert. Thomas works with the Lexistems company and Avalon under the supervision of Marcos Dias de assuncao and Eddy Caron.
Romain Pereira
Post-doctoral Researcher

Thesis on Efficient use of task asynchronism in parallel HPC applications.

Vincent Pichon
PhD student (Avalon / EDF R&D) under the guidance of Christian Perez
Laurent Pouilloux
INRIA engineer for Hemera and Paasage
Issam Raïs
PhD under the advisorship of Laurent Lefèvre, Anne Benoit and Anne-Cécile Orgerie
Jérôme Richard
Temporary Researcher
Felipe Rodrigo de Souza
PhD Student under the advisorship of Eddy Caron and Marcos Dias de Assuncao

Thesis on Networking Provisioning Algorithms for Highly Distributed Data Stream Processing

François Rossigneux
INRIA engineer for the XLcloud project
Jonathan Rouzaud-Cornabas
Inria postdoctoral researcher for the PaaSage project
Jose Francisco Saray
INRIA engineer
Cyril Seguin

Cloud and Security Expert.

Pedro Silva
PhD student advised by Christian Perez and Frédéric Desprez
Thesis on strategies for placing component based applications on the Cloud.
Alexandre da Silva Veith
PhD Student under the advisorship of Laurent Lefèvre and Marcos Dias de AssuncaoPhD Student under the advisorship of Laurent Lefèvre and Marcos Dias de Assuncao

Thesis on Algorithms for Elastic Big-Data Stream Analytics

Anthony Simonet
PhD student under the guidance of Gilles Fedak
Frédéric Suter
CNRS Senior Researcher (DR2)
Bing Tang
Post-doctoral Researcher
Alain Tchana
Professor (ENS de Lyon)
Lamiel Toch
Post-doctoral INRIA
Noua Toukourou
Young graduate engineer
Laurent Turpin
Phd under the advisorship of Thierrry Gautier

Thesis on Towards mastering of code variations and architectural developments for HPC applications

Guillaume Verger
INRIA engineer for the CapRezo project
Violaine Villebonnet
hD under the advisorship of Laurent Lefèvre and Jean-Marc Pierson.
Lavoisier Wapet Patrick
Phd under the advisorship of Alain Tchana and Daniel Hagimont

Thesis on Mitigating illégitimate mobile applications publication on mobile market-places.

Yulin 'Huaxi' Zhang
INRIA engineer for the Seed4C project