Phd Students

Maxime Agusti
Phd under the advisorship of Eddy Caron, Laurent Lefevre and Anne-Cécile Orgerie (IRISA)

Thesis on baremetal co-location platforms, energy reduction models and catalog proposals

Adrien Berthelot
PhD Student under the advisorship of Eddy Caron, Christian Fauré (Octo Technology) and Laurent Lefevre

Thesis on Accelerated and assisted assessment of the environmental impacts of an IT system and digital services

Mathilde Jay
Phd under the advisorship of Laurent Lefevre and Denis Trystram (LIG/UGA)

Thesis on low-cost learning algorithm at the edge

Simon Lambert
Phd under the advisorship of Eddy Caron, Remi Grivel (Synaaps) and Laurent Lefevre
Vladimir Ostapenco
Phd under the advisorship of Laurent Lefevre and Anne-Cécile Orgerie (IRISA)

Thesis on Modeling and design of a framework and its environmental Gantt Chart in order to manage heterogeneous energy leverages