
Scientific leaders

Laurent Lefevre, CR Inria, HDR, ENS Lyon, FrugalCloud scientific leader

Germain Masse, OVHcloud scientific leader

Joint recruted participants

Maxime Agusti, PhD student, Avalon and Myriads teams

Yasminah Bouizem Postdoc, Avalon and Stack teams

Pierre Jacquet, PhD student, Spirals and Stack teams

Govind KP, PhD student, Myriads and Spirals teams

Vladimir Ostapenco, PhD student, Avalon and Myriads teams

Natalia Wolf, PhD student, Inocs and Spirals teams

Marc Tranzer, PhD student, Myriads team

Avalon team participants

Eddy Caron, Associate Professor (MCF HDR), ENS Lyon

Laurent Lefevre, CR Inria, HDR, ENS Lyon, FrugalCloud scientific leader

Christian Perez, DR2 Inria, ENS lyon

Myriads team participants

Shadi Ibrahim, CR Inria

Anne-Cécile Orgerie, DR CNRS, Irisa (Rennes).

Guillaume Pierre, DR Inria, Irisa (Rennes)

INOCS team participants

Luce Brotcorne, DR Inria, Lille

SPIRALS team participants

Romain Rouvoy, Professor, University of Lille

Lionel Seinturier, Professor, University of Lille

STACK team participants

Helène Coullon, Associate Professor

Thomas Ledoux, Professor, IMT Nantes


[Germain Masse], OVHcloud scientific leader

Baptiste Daroussin

Benjamin Fichel

Romain de Joux

Jérémie Monsinjon

Jacques Murez

Olivier Nicol

Xavier Nicolle

Gwendoline Rotrou

Charles Vaillancourt
